Imperium Giveaway 2023

We gave it a few extra weeks for the stragglers to come in for our photobomb contest, where we asked people to put up our “Colonize Your Bookshelf” stickers and send us a photo. Thank you to all who entered. The response has been overwhelming.

We’ve sifted through all the entries and have chosen a winner, whose entry consisted of two photos. Each has symbolic significance to Imperium Press and to our broader metapolitical struggle.


The first photo is from outside Sorbonne Université. Numa Fustel Denis de Coulanges—author of The Ancient City—held the chair of medieval history at this university, which like all others, has declined into a social justice factory. Imperium aims to re-colonize their bookshelf.

The second photo is from outside the OECD headquarters in Paris. Needless to say, the OECD is one of the most important organizations driving globalization and the purposeful dissolution of nations. We are coming for them too.

Congratulations to the anon who sent these photos—you’ve won our whole catalogue.


We have also chosen three runners-up. Each will receive a hardcover book of their choice.

The first is a beautiful aesthetic shot of the Tower Bridge in London. Not long ago this was a symbol of Britain at its imperial height. Imperium has planted its flag here.

The second is of a plaque for Violet Gibson, an anti-fascist who failed to assassinate Mussolini and was committed to an asylum. We hope she likes what we have in store.

The third is a pastoral scene in front of the ancient Cerne Abbas Giant which can be seen in the background. Imperium aims not only to renovate the Western Canon, but to restore our ancient heritage too.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all who entered.

Above all, thank you to everyone who continues to post our stickers. Every one of these that goes up sends multiple people to Imperium Press, and down a deep rabbit hole. By posting them, you are contributing to our struggle, and you will share in our inevitable victory.